Content & Images © 2008-2014 - Rachel Miller, Ink Road Originals LLC, All Rights Reserved


The following is a list of links to some of my most-popular and noteworthy posts.  You are welcome to nominate a post for this list with a comment if you wish.


  • God's Kids Don't Groupthink--What is Groupthink, is there an example of Groupthink in the Bible, and what can churches today learn from that?
  • Don't Conform to the Pattern of the World--Further discussion of Groupthink and what it means for the modern church.
  • An Almond Branch--Explains the Biblical symbolism attached to the blooming almond branch as discussed in Jeremiah, as it pertains to the Second Coming.
  • To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice--What do Christians mean when they talk about sacrifice and atonement?  Why would a loving God demand animal sacrifice, and what was Christ's death on the cross all about?  Also discusses how the Christian doctrine of sacrifice and atonement is a major point of difference from other world religions. (And, yes, the title is a reference to the Keith Green song.)
  • Behold! The Bridegroom Cometh--What was the symbolic and cultural significance of Jesus' first miracle, turning water into wine?  I did some extensive research into Jewish wedding customs for this post.
  • "Possessed" by the Holy Spirit?-- A look at the difference between demonic possession and the doctrine of the infilling of the Holy Spirit.  This post has very high traffic compared to most on this blog.
  • Have Faith to Cast the Net One More Time--A favorite post among some of my friends.  Ultimately, God is the one who saves us; our own hands can never do it, yet we only learn to recognize this when we are worn out and desperate.  Peter had spent a long night of disappointment and had given up on catching any fish, until Jesus came along and told him to try again.  If God asked us to try one more time, could we?

