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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Weekly Snippet: Don't Let It Drop

I am aware that we are nearing the end of the summer school semester, and several people I know are scrambling to finish major projects by the deadlines.  It's also crunch time for a lot of other people, from business people who are gearing up for the winter season (yes, it seems early to the rest of us, but starting now means fewer headaches during the holidays), to kids getting ready to go back to school in the fall, to people trying to move before the winter term starts up again.

In the midst of all of these deadlines and distractions, it can be easy to let things "drop" that seem less-important.  Please don't misunderstand me.  Some obligations really should be neglected when we are this busy, such as things that prevent us from keeping deadlines and promises.

On the other hand, sometimes developing our relationship with God seems to shift to the back burner when we are facing a pressing deadline or a major life change.  We get busy trying to get the project done, and somehow it takes everything out of us.  We need to recharge our batteries, and after a long day of work, we tend to want to blow off steam reading a book, watching television, or just hanging out and talking with friends.

These aren't necessarily bad things to do, but if we want to recharge, these things won't completely revive us.

The hope that keeps us going doesn't come from earthly sources.  This earth will keep taking the wind out of us almost daily until it comes to an end.  It wasn't designed to give us hope and strength, but rather, it points us back to the source (Psalm 19:1-4).  A lovely mountain view might cheer us after the clamor of a busy street, but it doesn't answer our questions or address our hurts and longings.  It is only a cheap imitation of what we need!

The Bible says, "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" (Isaiah 40: 30-31 NIV 2011).  God restores youthfulness in our souls, and He has the power to keep us going.

If you are facing a marathon of bone-wearying proportions today, I am asking you to take a few minutes of your time before you start the race, pouring out that weariness and dread at Jesus' feet.  Ask Him to be with you through this project or journey in your life, and ask Him to give you the strength to finish well and finish with rejoicing.  Keep your priorities straight and put God first, because you need Him most.  In times of business and weariness, don't let your relationship with God drop!

It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.  He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights.  He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.  You make your saving help my shield, and your right hand sustains me; your help has made me great.  You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way. (Psalm 18: 32-36 NIV 2011)


